Monday, June 27, 2011

Shri Shantadurga Devasthan

Shri Shantadurga Devasthan temple is dedicated to Shantadurga. Shantadurga mediates shiva and Vishnu. The idol is also called 'Santeri'. A local story tells that a fierce battle happened between lord siva and lord vishnu and it is stopped by parvathi devi in the avathar of shatadurga .The idol shantadurga here have the vishnu in her right hand and siva in left hand, the way in which she stopped the fight between them. This avathar of parvathi in which she had settled the war and maintained the shanti or peace, and came to be known as shree shanthadurga devi.

During the Portuguese government, the original place of shri shantaduraga devasthan,that is keloshi , was shifted to kavlem.

Many renovations have been done to the shri shantadurga devasthan temple which was actually built during 1713a.d to 1738 a.d.The temples of other gods besides the agarshala are also renovated along with the shri shantaduraga devasthan temple

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